Jackie B. Academy Courses
To access the Tough Conversations eCourse, Dating Boundaries 101 Virtual Guide, the Masterclasses for Teen Girls and Guys, and Jackie's newest eCourse for moms, 10 Ways to Raise a Daughter Who's F.A.B. (Focused. Authentic. Brave), visit MotivationN3D Online Courses to purchase, register and access these courses
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7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You (Book)
7 Secrets Guys Will Never Tell You: A Teen Girls Guide on Love, Sex, and Relationships. Girls who read this book will be: empowered to recognize their worth and set standards, and equipped with knowledge to avoid unhealthy relationships.
Equipping Parents. Empowering Teens
Shop our resources that equip parents to have the tough conversations and empower teens to dream bigger dreams, make better decisions, and walk into their destinies.